The first photo is an official "Earth Box". The official "Earth Box" was a present for graduating. I planted two Hungarian Heart heirloom tomatoes and two heirloom purple bell peppers. I am pleased with the earth box and intend to use it next year. The plants are huge with tons of fruit and flowers. We have not had any problems with pests, drought, or over watering. The second photo in an unofficial earth box. The unofficial box was a birthday present. Trevor fashioned a large household tote with a false bottom, drain hole and black plastic covering. He then built a large wooden structure that has wheels so we can move it when entertaining on our deck. The unofficial earth box is cooler than the official. I especially like the color and the fact that it was handmade by my hubby. We planted heirloom pickling cukes in the unofficial and are happy with their development. We planted them from seed late in the season and are looking forward to tracking their production. We like the unofficial earth box so much that we are planning on building two more for next year's crops.