Monday, August 27, 2007

Trevor and I are all alone again. Bubbles was up here for two weeks and then my family came up for the weekend. The visit was short and it was difficult to say goodbye. You would think I would be accustom to being alone after all of these years. I miss my family; I wish I could see them more.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sign of the Times

Supplemental income is not easy to come by; this summer I have resorted to calling in to radio stations during their noon time trivia offer. The calls have netted me free subway and movie tickets. This morning rain and humidity greeted Bubbles and I with a slap in the face. Neither of us likes heat so we decided to go to the movies and see "Becoming Jane." While returning from the feminist themed film we drove past several men protesting abortion at the local Planned Parenthood. Wondering what would Jane do, I promptly headed for Shopko where I purchased the supplies to make a sign. Just picture a seventy year old man standing to my left. I protested against the protesters for twenty minutes and then they decided to leave. Before leaving the knelt near me and prayed for my soul in some tongue I did not recognize. All said, it was a great day.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Paulding Light

The phenomenal Paulding Light.
Mr. Roboto and Bubbles excited about seeing a light in the woods.
Ms. M and Lulu excited about scaring the crap out of two cute little kids.

We are continuing to avoid our gardening duties. This week began with a trip to the Paulding Light. Ms. M and I decided to take Bubbles and Mr. Roboto. Bubbles and Mr. Roboto were well behaved and less than impressed with "the light". Ms. M and I thought the kids would get really freaked out and want to leave right away. We ended up spending three hours at the light listening to idiots from Illinois. When you live in the North woods you slowly begin to hate most things from Illinois (relatives are excluded from this blanket hatred). These idiots were no exception. Upon arriving their annoying little children began shoving their way to the front of the lookout and scaring everyone around them. Then the parents began talking loudly about how they are from Illinois and they never have been out in the woods like this and how their trip is so educational because they got to see some deer. We cursed at them a few times and promptly left them to be eaten by the light.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Having Fun Like Poor People

Since we are monetarily challenged this year, Bubble's trip is a bit on the ghetto side. So far we have made free birdhouses at a nature center, eaten plain spaghetti noodles out of brain bowls, and made some friends out of play-dough. Tomorrow we are planning on painting the birdhouses with some free paint from the dump.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Trevor took these photos of the backyard and has been bugging me to get them posted. He refuses to learn how to operate this blog. I think he wants everyone to notice the orange flower box on the garage. Not only do I love the flower box, I also adore the cute shutters

The earth box is booming. The tomato plants are taller than Trevor and we are beginning to see some fruit. The tomato in the fist photo is a Hungarian Heart. Hungarian Hearts can weigh over a pound. Can you feel the excitement in my voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peas and Stuff

Peas are glorious. I love to eat fresh peas right from the hull. The are sweet and snappy. Unfortunately, Trevor likes his peas fried up with some butter, flour, and corned beef. Yes - I did just say corned beef. The mixture is then plopped on top of some mashed potatoes. Every summer Trevor has yearned for this meal from his childhood. We all have those meals that no one else understands. I have a meal called cheesy spaghetti. When you describe it -meat, cheese, mushrooms, cream of mushroom soup, tomato soup and noodles- it doesn't sound that appealing. But when you put it all together and add in a few of childhood's best memories you get a wonderful summer meal. This was one of those meals for Trevor. He absolutely loved his peas and mush. He loved it so much that he ate two heaping platefuls. I kindly offered up my plate for his consumption.