Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back up at the Garden

Sunday proved to be a busy day. Warm fall weather demanded that we bring in the harvest. Today we gathered over 100lb of produce. Every free space is now taken up with tomatoes, carrots and egg plant. T.J., Trevor and I had a good time.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Powells' Summertime Tomato Goodness

A few entries down I described the process we use to make our own spaghetti sauce. Today we harvested over 80 lbs. of produce from our garden. A large portion of the take was tomatoes. As many of you know, I am a fiend for a good tomato. With pounds of fruit in front me, I returned to the kitchen for several hours. In the end I have enough sauce for approximately eight meals and have more on deck to make. I wish Ragu tasted like homemade; my life would be lest hectic during harvest season. The lighting is bad in the photo but I was too tired to care.

Jay Cooke State Park

We are blessed to live so close to nature. Every way we turn there are state parks that offer amazing hiking, biking and camping. After work on Friday we took off for Jay Cooke. After spending fifteen minutes in the car we stretched our legs to visit these beautiful vistas. Feel free to click on the photos to enlarge them.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Lots of folks ask where I buy my jewelry and clothes. Well, now you will find my favorite store on the left column of the screen. Etsy sells handmade and vintage items. Why go to the mall when you can by original items directly from the artists. Why would you ever go the mall?

Naked Kitchen

Our kitchen has been naked for weeks. One of our window overlooks the alley and everyone who passes by check out the goods. First, we had to find the right fabric. After I found the fabric, I needed a free hour to work with Trevor on putting them together.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Trev's Blog

My hubby has a blog and there is a link to it on the right. The blog is title "keep it green watch it grow."

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tomato Soup

After hours of washing, cutting and roasting we are left with delicious tomato soup. Tomato soup is best served in a bowl resembling a brain and with a grilled cheese sandwich on the side. The entire production took three hours. That sounds like a lot of time but it is so damn good when you make it yourself. Also, the soup will be used as a base for spaghetti sauce.

Rainy Day Cooking

Photo 1: Garden tomatoes spend time ripening.
Photo 2: Tomatoes are cubed, drizzled in olive oil, sprinkled with sea salt and pepper.

Photo 3: Roasted tomatoes in the food mill
Photo 4: Roasted tomatoes and garlic.
Photo 5: Garden fresh rosemary and basil.