Peas are glorious. I love to eat fresh peas right from the hull. The are sweet and snappy. Unfortunately, Trevor likes his peas fried up with some butter, flour, and corned beef. Yes - I did just say corned beef. The mixture is then plopped on top of some mashed potatoes. Every summer Trevor has yearned for this meal from his childhood. We all have those meals that no one else understands. I have a meal called cheesy spaghetti. When you describe it -meat, cheese, mushrooms, cream of mushroom soup, tomato soup and noodles- it doesn't sound that appealing. But when you put it all together and add in a few of childhood's best memories you get a wonderful summer meal. This was one of those meals for Trevor. He absolutely loved his peas and mush. He loved it so much that he ate two heaping platefuls. I kindly offered up my plate for his consumption.
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